Minggu, 06 September 2009


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Tip of the Week | Latest Vacancies | Recent Articles | Success Stories
==>> Grab Your 10 Day Trial Pass to WorkOnCruiseShips.com here

Get Hired by Holland America Line!Tip of the Week

Here's a short but crucial 'reminder tip' for this week:

When you are applying to work for a cruise line company, whether that's a large line or a smaller specialty line, be very specific about what position you would like to do on board their ships.

It sounds obvious and yes, I've mentioned this many times before, but still we see far too many resumes going out that are just not clear enough about the job being applied for. And that's a big mistake I don't want you to make.

If you're applying to be an Assistant Purser, then state that clearly at the top of your resume and on your cover letter. If you're applying to work in Food & Beverage, then put down exactly what job you feel most suitable for in that department; whether that's a waiter/waitress, a bartender, etc..

The most important point I want to get across to you is that you must never to send a 'general' application... and never think that a cruise ship recruiter will look at your skills and experience and then choose a suitable position for you. They won't. Not when they've got another 500 applications waiting to be looked at!

For the absolute best chance of success your CV/resume must be targeted to one specific position. For a large list of possible positions you can do on a cruise ship, see our list of common cruise ship positions here.

The WorkOnCruiseShips.com success stories continue to flood in. Here's a couple more posted to our forum recently (if anything, I hope they inspire you to keep pursuing your 'dream job'):

"I finally got the call today. I'll be joining RCCL's Liberty of the Seas on October 1st as Technical Stage Staff." - Ryan from the USA

"Had my interview last Saturday and got my result today........ I GOT THE JOB!!! It hasn't even hit me yet! I'll be going on the Carnival Miracle sailing out of New York City on October 7th 2009. Thanks to everyone and especially Neil for your help!!" - Julie from the UK

If you want the very latest information, tools and resources that will help you land a job travelling the world on a cruise ship, then take advantage of our unique trial offer. You get 10 days of full, unlimited access to everything (including over $300.00 worth of downloadable tools) for just $1 (or 10 cents a day, if you want to break it down):

Go here to take advantage while this offer is still good.

Happy cruise job hunting!

Neil Maxwell-Keys

Latest Vacancies

Who's hiring this week? Here's just a few of the 100's of cruise ship vacancies posted at www.WorkOnCruiseShips.com which you can apply for right now:

==>> View the Full List of Latest Cruise Ship Vacancies Here

<<== (Members get access to vacancies like this before anybody else)

Recent Articles & Resources

You have instant access to a whole library of articles and downloads like this by taking advantage of our 10 day "test drive" here:

Medical Examinations for Working on Cruise ShipsMedical Examinations for Working on Cruise Ships
You got the job! But one more thing...you need to pass a medical examination. This includes any crewmember, resident entertainer, and concessions employee since cruise lines only want to employ persons that are fit and healthy to work onboard. Will you meet their high standards of medical fitness? Here's what to expect from a cruise ship medical exam . . .
keep reading

Sexual Harassment at Sea
Sexual Harassment at Sea

In March 2009, a Portuguese waiter on a cruise ship was accused of sexually assaulting a passenger in a dining room after they consumed a bottle of wine together. Was it sexual assault or was it consensual? Sexual harassment can also occur between two crewmembers as well and the cruise lines have a no tolerance policy for either type of sexual conduct . . . keep reading

Customer Service 101: Cruise Passenger Complaints
Customer Service 101: Cruise Passenger Complaints
Dealing with complaining guests can be stressful, but it doesn't need to be. Learning how to resolve passenger complaints will make you more confident in any cruise ship job. Even during an interview these customer service tips can help you answer the tough questions presented by the interviewer . . . keep reading

Training You Need to Get Cruise Ship JobsTraining You Need to Get Cruise Ship Jobs
You think you have the right work experience, but do you understand the skills and training that will actually get you a cruise ship job? Here are the training and skills that cruise ship employers are actually looking for in job applicant. How prepared are you? . . .
keep reading

==>> Get Lots More Cruise Ship Job Getting Resources Here <<==

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